In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Prince Rama, his wife Sita, and brother Lakshmana encounter the demon Viradha in the forests of Dandakaranya, leading to Sita’s abduction. In a theatrical adaptation in Odisha, a performer playing Viradha used a live pig in a shocking scene, sparking outrage from animal rights activists and lawmakers. The incident has highlighted the evolving nature of Jatra, a traditional form of folk theatre in the region, which now includes more stunts and modern elements to appeal to audiences. This shift has raised concerns about animal cruelty and the preservation of traditional storytelling in Jatra performances.
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Trump makes 2,000-pound bombs available to Israel, undoing Biden pause
President Donald Trump has instructed the U.S. military to lift the hold on the supply of 2,000-pound bombs to Israel that was previously put in place by former President Joe Biden. Trump stated that Israel had already paid for the bombs and had been waiting for their delivery, confirming the release of the hold. Full Article
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