The AAP has called for Swati Maliwal’s resignation due to her comments on Atishi, the next Chief Minister of Delhi, leading to a significant rift between them. Dilip Pandey criticized Maliwal for following the BJP’s agenda despite being a member of the AAP and representing them in the Rajya Sabha. The demand for her resignation highlights the growing tensions and division within the party.
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US terror report mum on Pak role in J&K
The US country report on terrorism for 2023 highlighted the impact of terrorist groups like ISIS, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and Jaish-e-Mohammed in India, particularly in Jammu & Kashmir. The report praised India's efforts in combating terrorism, but did not address Pakistan's role in cross-border terrorism. Despite Pakistan's steps to counter terrorism financing, the report noted a significant increase in terrorist attacks in the country. Full Article
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