Your support helps The Independent to report on important issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring facts are separated from messaging. Donations enable journalists to cover stories from all perspectives, without paywalls. In an effort to crack down on the black economy, dog breeders, pet sellers, and waste-management firms will now need to register for tax before obtaining or renewing their licenses, following similar measures for taxi drivers and scrap-metal dealers. High levels of illegal migration have been linked to an increase in cash-based work, with the Home Office cracking down on businesses employing undocumented workers.
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UK hits Russia with fresh sanctions as part of ‘triple whammy’ to tighten the screws on Putin
Britain will impose new sanctions on Russia to mark the third anniversary of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, with Sir Keir Starmer planning a "triple whammy" of measures including military aid and crackdown on Russian dirty money. The sanctions aim to target Russia's revenues and military capabilities, with the UK working with US and European partners to achieve a "sustainable, just peace" in Ukraine amid growing rift between the US and Europe over support for Zelensky,...
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