Your support enables The Independent to report on crucial issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to uncovering the facts behind the stories. Donations help fund journalists to cover all sides of the story, ensuring quality journalism remains accessible to all Americans without paywalls. Wolves are set to appoint Vitor Pereira as their new head coach, replacing Gary O’Neil after a 2-1 defeat to Ipswich, with an official announcement expected soon for the Portuguese manager with a proven track record in various leagues.
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Fantasy Football Fact or Fluke: So you made the semifinals — now what?
Fantasy football managers who have made it to the semifinals are advised to consider the motivation of players on teams still in playoff contention, as well as those fighting for seeding. Key matchups to target in Week 16 include Rams vs. Jets, Eagles vs. Commanders, Cardinals vs. Panthers, and Vikings vs. Seahawks, with players like Cooper Kupp, James Conner, and DK Metcalf being highlighted. It is essential to make strategic decisions based on team motivation...
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