SolStock via Getty Images explores the rising trend of heritage travel, which involves exploring destinations tied to one’s ancestry or cultural roots. This type of travel allows individuals to connect with their family lineage and gain insight into their identity by visiting places of ancestral significance. With the popularity of at-home DNA testing products, heritage travel has become more accessible, offering opportunities for guided tours, ancestral home visits, and genealogy cruises in countries with large diaspora communities.
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Emma Hayes and Vinicius Jr big winners at FIFA Best Awards
Your donation to The Independent supports their on-the-ground reporting on topics like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring accurate and unbiased coverage. With a commitment to providing quality journalism accessible to all, The Independent relies on reader support to continue sending journalists to cover both sides of the story. Recent winners at The Best FIFA Awards 2024 include Emma Hayes as best women’s coach, Vinicius Jr as best men’s player, and Emiliano Martinez...
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