In a viral TikTok video titled “How to be demure at work,” Chicago-based content creator Jools Lebron demonstrates her makeup routine, styling her wig, and adding a braid. The video gained popularity for her catchphrase “very mindful, very demure,” sparking a new internet trend. Lebron’s humorous and relatable content has captivated social media users across platforms.
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SEAN HANNITY: Biden admin doesn't 'give a damn' about drone security risk
Fox News host Sean Hannity criticized the Biden administration for failing to address the mysterious drone sightings in New Jersey and the northeast, calling it a potential national security threat that the government is not taking seriously. Despite awareness from the Department of Defense, there is a lack of detailed information or answers from officials, leaving Americans concerned and in need of transparency regarding the situation. Hannity emphasized the importance of government accountability and transparency...
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