Your support helps The Independent cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change, without paywalls, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. Ange Postecoglou of Tottenham promises respect for Tamworth in their FA Cup match, recalling a past encounter with toads on the pitch in Fiji, highlighting the need to take their upcoming opponents seriously. Despite midfielder Rodrigo Bentancur’s head injury, Postecoglou condemns false speculation, emphasizing the importance of following concussion protocols for player safety.
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Source: Rams let Stafford's agent gauge value
Sarah Barshop covers the Los Angeles Rams for ESPN, reporting that quarterback Matthew Stafford's agent has been given permission to discuss his market value with other teams. The Rams and Stafford are in talks about a reworked contract, with two seasons left on his current deal. Stafford, who joined the Rams in 2021 and won the Super Bowl with them, completed 65.8% of his passes for 3,762 yards, 20 touchdowns, and eight interceptions in the...
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