The Last Ranger, a South African short film directed by Cindy Lee and produced by Darwin Shaw, Will Hawkes & David S Lee, has received numerous awards at prestigious film festivals, including Best Narrative Short Film at multiple events. The film revolves around rhino poaching and conservation efforts in South Africa, featuring powerful performances by Liyabona Mroqoza and Avumile Qongqo. As a compelling piece of cinema addressing environmental justice and women’s empowerment, The Last Ranger has garnered international recognition and sparked important conversations on social change and conservation.
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Striking a work-life balance through bleisure travel
Bleisure travel offers a healthy balance between work and leisure, transforming work trips into memorable getaways and promoting a satisfactory work-life balance. Prior to embarking on a bleisure trip, it is important to research the destination, prioritize work commitments, and understand the organization's travel policies. When packing, opt for versatile clothing, ensure you have necessary tech gadgets, and don't forget smart accessories to elevate your outfits. Full Article
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