In a viral video, Instagram content creator Sarthak Sachdeva showcases a Mumbai street vendor’s surprising earnings from selling vada pav, challenging stereotypes about street food vendors’ income. The video has shocked viewers with the revelation that the street vendor makes more money than expected, proving that lucrative opportunities can be found outside traditional office settings. Sachdeva’s eye-opening exploration highlights the financial success that can be achieved through entrepreneurial endeavors in the street food industry.
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Tactical ballistic missile Pralay & long-range Pinaka rocket system to be part of Republic Day parade
At the upcoming Republic Day parade in the Capital, indigenously developed Tactical ballistic missile Pralay and long-range Pinaka rocket system will be showcased. Pralay, with a range of 500 km, is deployed on the border with China for conventional strikes, while efforts are ongoing to increase Pinaka's range to over 150 km. The parade will also feature Indonesian troops to honor the chief guest, President Prabowo Subianto, with a total of 77,000 attendees expected. Full...
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