Your support enables The Independent to cover crucial stories, from reproductive rights to Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting. Donations help fund on-the-ground reporting, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives are heard. Rising costs in the UK pub sector, driven by increased labor expenses and tax hikes, are leading to a projected increase in the average price of a pint to over £5, impacting businesses and consumers alike.
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Rachel Reeves Unveils £2.2 Billion Defence Boost As She Vows To 'Secure Britain's Future'
Rachel Reeves, the new chancellor, announced a £2.2 billion boost in defence spending, partly funded by cuts to international aid, to enhance national security and economic stability. Despite facing budget challenges and a downgrade in economic growth forecasts, Reeves emphasized the government's commitment to securing Britain's future through active measures and investment in advanced weaponry and military housing. The additional funding will also support the implementation of directed energy weapons on Royal Navy ships and...
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