Your support allows The Independent to cover crucial stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, sending reporters to the frontlines and providing quality journalism accessible to all. Ozzy Osbourne, battling Parkinson’s disease, will reunite with Black Sabbath for a final show in July, featuring a lineup of metal legends and profits benefitting charities. Tickets for the event go on sale February 14, promising a historic gathering of rock and metal icons.
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BBC Morning Live doctor warns ‘call 999’ if you have little-known leg symptom
A doctor on BBC Morning Live warns about the seriousness of cellulitis, a skin infection that can be life-threatening if not treated quickly with antibiotics. The infection can appear anywhere on the body, including the eyes, and may present differently depending on skin type. Symptoms can include flu-like feelings, swollen glands, and redness on the skin. Risk factors include poor circulation, weakened immune system, and previous cellulitis. Treatment involves antibiotics, with severe cases requiring hospitalization...
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