Your support helps The Independent cover stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a focus on factual reporting. Donations enable the publication to send journalists to the field, ensuring balanced coverage across the political spectrum. The recent stunning 4-0 victory of Tottenham against Manchester City showcased a strong adherence to Ange Postecoglou’s football principles, highlighting the team’s progress and resilience in the face of adversity.
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LeBron James to miss second straight game for Lakers; JJ Redick doesn't know when star will return
Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James will miss his second consecutive game due to a sore foot, with coach JJ Redick stating he does not know when James will return. The absence is attributed to personal reasons, with James taking time off to rest and recover after the team's recent struggles. Rumors of a possible trade involving James have emerged, but he holds a no-trade clause in his contract, giving him control over his future...
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