Your support enables The Independent to report on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing unbiased coverage and in-depth investigations. Your donation helps fund on-the-ground reporting, ensuring balanced and quality journalism accessible to all. World number one Luke Humphries secured his Players Championship Finals title with an 11-7 win over Luke Littler, who showcased impressive skills but fell short in the end, expressing determination for future competitions.
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Antoine Dupont is human – Tommy Freeman confident England can stop France star
In a critical moment in US history, The Independent relies on donations to support reporters covering a range of important issues from reproductive rights to climate change. They prioritize providing quality journalism accessible to all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, without paywalls. Your support allows them to continue sending journalists to cover stories on the ground. In rugby news, England's Tommy Freeman expresses confidence in the team's ability to contain France's star player, Antoine Dupont,...
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