The Independent relies on reader support to continue reporting on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Your donation helps fund journalism that seeks to uncover the facts and tell the full story. The publication is committed to providing quality news without paywalls, ensuring information is accessible to all. In sports news, Joe Root responds to criticism from Darren Lehmann, asserting his focus on his performance. Root looks forward to a series between England and New Zealand in honor of Graham Thorpe and Martin Crowe, two cricket legends. The newly-minted Crowe-Thorpe Trophy symbolizes the close relationship between the two nations and celebrates the legacy of the players.
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Men's first-round betting odds, lines, spread and BPI
The 2025 men's NCAA tournament features 68 teams vying for the championship, with the Auburn Tigers as the No. 1 seed in the south region. Notable teams like Duke, North Carolina, and Gonzaga are back in the mix, while underdogs like St. Mary's and Memphis hope to make an impact. The tournament kicks off with matchups like St. Francis vs. Alabama State and North Carolina vs. San Diego State, setting the stage for an exciting...
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