The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech. Your donation allows them to send journalists to report from the ground and provide unbiased coverage accessible to all. In Ireland, interim boss Simon Easterby has chosen Sam Prendergast over Jack Crowley as the starting fly-half for the Six Nations opener against England, citing Prendergast’s experience and performance in previous matches, while also making two other personnel changes to the team.
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England’s Ben Duckett keen to ‘keep learning’ after earning T20 opening spot
Your support helps The Independent to report on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to providing quality journalism accessible to all. Ben Duckett is focused on improving his batting skills and proving himself in England's T20 team, showcasing his power-hitting abilities in a recent match against India. England's aggressive approach and depth in batting have led to success in the T20 series, with a focus on entertaining...
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