According to Fidelity, the popular retirement rule of saving 10 times your salary by age 67 is essential, but workers should also aim for their savings to cover 45% of their pretax, preretirement income. While this guideline can help set a retirement savings goal, it may not fully address the individual’s specific needs. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to also consider their personal circumstances and plan accordingly for a secure retirement.
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Faiz Shakir, Ex-Bernie Sanders Campaign Chief, Joins Race for D.N.C. Chair
Faiz Shakir, a former campaign manager for Senator Bernie Sanders and progressive Democratic strategist, has entered the race for chairman of the Democratic National Committee, aiming to reshape the party's image as the party of the working class and rebuild public trust. Shakir, known for his work with Sanders and traditional Democratic leaders, highlighted the need for a bolder vision and criticized the current candidates for lacking innovation. The contest, dominated by two state party...
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