Shayla Cramer from Ethan, South Dakota, had to get dentures at 23 due to poor oral hygiene from growing up without access to water, leading to her teeth falling out; a stranger helped fund the dentures. Now 26, she shares her experience on TikTok, gaining support and confidence after struggling with her teeth impacting her life and self-esteem. The dentures have allowed her to smile, eat without pain, and enjoy life with her family, highlighting the transformative impact on her overall well-being.
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Jenny Hall: Body found in Durham forest search for missing runner
Your support helps The Independent cover crucial stories such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to uncovering facts and providing unbiased reporting. Donations enable journalists to report on both sides of the story, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all without paywalls. In other news, Durham Police have discovered a body during the search for missing runner Jenny Hall, last seen leaving her home in County Durham. The police have...
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