Lauren Graham discussed the enduring popularity of Gilmore Girls on Netflix during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, noting the lack of residuals from the streaming platform but expressing gratitude for the love and appreciation from fans. She shared a humorous encounter with Kenneth Branagh early in her career, revealing that she has been approached by fans as well. Despite the lack of financial rewards, Lauren remains grateful for the continued support and recognition from viewers.
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Reeves must scrap ‘bonkers’ pledge on pension triple lock, warns chancellor’s former economic adviser
Your support helps The Independent cover developing stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech with unbiased reporting. Donations enable sending journalists to gather perspectives, ensuring quality journalism accessible to all without paywalls. Former adviser Jim O'Neill urges Labour's Rachel Reeves to reconsider the state pension triple lock commitment, warning of economic constraints and the need for fiscal flexibility in the face of rising borrowing and downgraded growth projections. Full Article
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