Gary Barlow embarks on a wine tour of South Africa, showcasing the country’s iconic wine regions in a five-part series premiering on BBC Lifestyle. Immersing himself in the culture and craft behind exceptional wines, Gary’s passion for wine shines through as he explores the landscapes and tastes of Stellenbosch, Franschhoek, and Swartland. Joined by friends, he shares moments of laughter, learning, and music while celebrating life’s simple pleasures through good food, great wine, and better company.
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Tanzania confirms outbreak of Marburg virus disease –
Tanzania has confirmed an outbreak of Marburg virus disease in the Kagera region after one case tested positive, with 25 suspected cases testing negative and currently under close follow-up. The government, with WHO support, is implementing key outbreak control measures, aiming to prevent further spread of the highly virulent disease that causes haemorrhagic fever and has no licensed treatment or vaccine available. Previous outbreaks have been reported in African countries, emphasizing the need for collaborative...
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