Actress Gal Godot revealed she was diagnosed with a massive blood clot in the brain during her eighth month of pregnancy, requiring emergency surgery. After experiencing excruciating headaches, she underwent surgery and gave birth to her daughter, Ori, who she described as her light at the end of the tunnel. Godot emphasized the importance of listening to one’s body and being aware of potential health issues, sharing her story to empower others to take action for their health.
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Derrick Van Orden targets Chip Roy over speakership vote: 'Chip is fighting to keep his brand marketable'
Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, remains undecided on whether to vote for House Speaker Mike Johnson, as he calls for change and demands a strong agenda for the American people. President-elect Donald Trump endorsed Johnson, but Roy believes he may not have enough votes to win. Rep. Thomas Massie has declared he will not vote for Johnson, potentially derailing his path to victory. Full Article
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