The Independent is a trusted news outlet covering important issues from reproductive rights to climate change. Your support enables us to send journalists to report on stories as they develop. The Independent values quality journalism accessible to all, without paywalls. Your donation makes a difference in keeping reporters on the ground and providing balanced coverage. In sports news, Emma Raducanu and Katie Boulter reflect on their performances in the Billie Jean King Cup, with Raducanu focusing on recovery and preparation for the next season, and Boulter proud of her achievements in 2024 despite the team’s loss. Captain Anne Keothavong remains optimistic about Britain’s future prospects in the competition.
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Arvid Lindblad: Meet the Red Bull junior who told Lando Norris he would be in F1 in five years | F1 News
Arvid Lindblad, a 14-year-old British karting star, told Lando Norris in 2021 that he would see him in five years as they met at the Adria Karting Raceway in Italy. Lindblad, who will be competing in Formula 2 this year, was inspired by Lewis Hamilton's similar declaration to Ron Dennis. Lindblad, who grew up watching F1 and admiring Hamilton, has the talent and support of current Formula E championship leader Oliver Rowland. Starting his karting...
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