Emily Bett Rickards stars in the biopic “Queen of the Ring,” directed by Ash Avildsen, about wrestler Mildred Burke’s groundbreaking career. The film, set to release on March 7, 2025, follows Burke’s journey in the male-dominated wrestling industry, with a star-studded cast including Josh Lucas and Deborah Ann Woll. Based on Jeff Leen’s book, the movie aims to provide a clear-eyed yet uplifting portrayal of Burke’s legacy and impact on the sport.
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Bold and the Beautiful: Carter Tempted – Makes a Fool of Himself?
The Bold and the Beautiful focuses on Carter Walton, a man known for his romantic gestures and conquests of various women on the show. Despite his history of using romantic one-liners with multiple partners, Carter finds himself facing a new potential conquest in Daphne Rose, who aims to seduce him away from his current love interest, Hope Logan. As Carter navigates the allure of a whirlwind romance with Daphne, viewers will see whether he prioritizes...
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