The post “Daily crossword, Tuesday 24 December” on Newsroom features a daily quiz and crossword for December 24th and 23rd, adhering to guidelines for font sizes, display, and image dimensions. The post includes information on newsroom activities, quizzes, and puzzles, providing engaging content for readers. The layout and design elements are optimized for a visually appealing and user-friendly experience on the Newsroom website.
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Mite-y rift revealed within the highest ranks of government
Marmite should be enjoying the same spotlight as Weet-Bix in the school lunch debate, but the finance minister suggested parents pack Vegemite sandwiches instead. Prime minister Luxon acknowledged school lunch issues and advised dissatisfied parents to make Marmite sandwiches with an apple for variety, causing a divide reminiscent of Marmageddon between Marmite and Vegemite supporters in the nation. Full Article
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