In the 2010s, popular diet trends like keto and raw vegan have quieted down, but searches for the carnivore diet have been steadily increasing since 2019. Dr. Jonathan Fialkow notes that the all-meat diet may decrease inflammation but can be constipating and potentially increase LDL-cholesterol. While more research is needed to determine the long-term benefits and risks, he recommends a low-refined carbohydrate diet with more variety over extreme diets like carnivore.
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Here's How Many Time's It's Normal To Wake Up At Night (By Age)
Kinga Howard on Unsplash discusses the frequency of nighttime awakenings, known as nocturia, and the normal range of waking up to urinate based on age. As we age, our circadian rhythms change, leading to earlier bedtimes and waking up in the early morning hours. For adults over 65, waking up two or three times a night is considered normal, but if sleep disruptions are affecting daily life or causing fatigue, it's advised to see a...
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