Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma took to her Instagram profile to announce the birth of her second child. The actor along with the former Indian skipper Virat Kohli was blessed with a baby boy on February 15th. The couple has named the child ‘Akaay’. Anushka shared a note on her Insta profile to announce the birth of her son. However, the couple has not shared the photo with their child.Â
See the Instagram post here:
In a long note, Anushka wrote, “With abundant happiness and hearts full of love, we are pleased to inform everyone that we welcomed our baby boy Akaay & Vamika’s little brother into this world. We seek your blessings and good wishes in this beautiful time. We request you to kindly respect our privacy. Love and gratitude, Virat and Anushka.”
Anushka, Virat kept quite on 2nd pregnancy rumours
It is significant to note that the couple unlike their first pregnancy, did not reveal anything. During Vamika’s turn, Anushka and Virat not only announced their pregnancy but the actor also posted pictures with her baby bump. However, while expecting her second child, Anushka did not make any announcements, nor did she share any social media posts. The actor also made minimal public appearances.Â
On the other hand, Virat Kohli pulled back from the ongoing 5-match Test series between India and England. The star cricketer was to play the last three games, but Kohli did not join the squad. Significantly, RCB’s former player and Kohli’s close friend, AB de Villiers had also confirmed the news. But days later he said it was not true. Anushka’s second pregnancy news was all over the internet, but the couple kept silent until today.Â
Moreover, reportedly, the Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi actor may have delivered her second baby in London, and not India. Anushka’s social media post has not only come as good news for their fans. But Kohli fans now also have answers for his absence from the Test series. Wishes for the arrival of the newborn are coming in from all corners of the world.Â
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