Ashburton’s mayor stated that the council will not be participating in legal action against the government’s speed limit increases, as they are already in discussions with NZTA and making progress on addressing speed limit changes in the district. A safe transport advocacy group, Movement, is seeking an injunction to halt the speed limit reversals and has filed for a judicial review of the Minister of Transport’s decision on the Land Transport Rule. NZTA has been included as a respondent in the legal proceedings and is currently evaluating their options before the matter goes to court.
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What it’s like to be a hearing child of deaf parents
An autobiographical theatre show portrays Jodee Mundy's experience as a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA) and the challenges she faced navigating a world designed for the hearing. Raised in a deaf family, Mundy often served as an intermediary between her family and the hearing world, noticing the disparities in treatment. Through a combination of live performance and video installation, Mundy effectively communicates her story to both deaf and hearing audiences, shedding light on the unique...
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