The cast of The Apprentice 2025BBC has been known for making interesting decisions, such as asking if the French like their children or losing the jeans they were supposed to promote. Behind the scenes, contestants are woken up at 4am with disorienting wake-up calls, leading to sleep deprivation and tired decision-making. Former contestants have revealed the effects of sleep deprivation on reality TV shows, with one saying that arguments on the show may not have happened if contestants had been well-rested.
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‘Knifeman’ rams car into Army barracks ‘armed with explosives & shouting at guards’ as bomb squad swoops
The Bomb squad was called to detonate a car after a man drove through the barriers of a disused Army barracks in Aldershot. The man, armed with explosives, shouted at guards before being arrested by Hampshire Constabulary. The 54-year-old man was taken into custody on suspicion of possessing a knife blade in a public place and criminal damage, with the incident not currently being treated as terror-related. Full Article
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