Your support helps The Independent to report on important issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to providing quality journalism accessible to all. Ben Duckett is focused on improving his batting skills and proving himself in England’s T20 team, showcasing his power-hitting abilities in a recent match against India. England’s aggressive approach and depth in batting have led to success in the T20 series, with a focus on entertaining cricket and a determination to improve further.
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Lionel Messi fined after grabbing neck of opposition coach
Your support helps The Independent report on important issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with journalists on the ground investigating stories. Donations allow for unbiased reporting and access to quality journalism for all, without paywalls. In sports news, Inter Miami forward Lionel Messi has been fined for grabbing a coach's neck, while the team advances in the CONCACAF Champions Cup with a win over Sporting Kansas City. Full Article
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