Your support allows The Independent to cover stories ranging from reproductive rights to Big Tech, with a commitment to unbiased reporting. Donations help fund journalists to provide in-depth coverage and analysis accessible to all. Despite challenges, the royal family’s Christmas traditions at Sandringham House remain a constant, including a festive dinner, church service, and Boxing Day hunt.
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Families urge NHS to publish full report into Nottingham killer Valdo Calocane
Families of Nottingham knife killer Valdo Calocane's victims are urging NHS England to reconsider not publishing a full report on the care he received after being sentenced to an indefinite hospital order for manslaughter and attempted murder due to paranoid schizophrenia. The independent mental health homicide report will only be available in summary form, with Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust having exclusive access to the full version, prompting families to push for its full publication in...
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