Your support helps The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to unbiased reporting. Your donation enables journalists to report from the ground and provide coverage accessible to all readers, without paywalls. In sports news, the Baltimore Ravens secured a play-off spot by defeating the Pittsburgh Steelers 34-17, while the Kansas City Chiefs moved closer to the AFC’s top seed with a 27-19 victory over the Houston Texans, led by quarterback Patrick Mahomes.
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Four candidates to be this season's surprise fantasy football playoff hero
Yahoo Sports fantasy analyst Andy Behrens highlights four potential surprise fantasy football playoff heroes for the current season: Kendre Miller of the New Orleans Saints could shine if Alvin Kamara is sidelined, Jerome Ford of the Cleveland Browns offers big-play potential, Hollywood Brown of the Kansas City Chiefs returns from injury at a favorable time, and Cooper Rush of the Dallas Cowboys may have a Volek-like rise and fall in the playoffs, with matchups against...
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