Craig Parker, a veteran of New Zealand television, reflects on his extensive career as he returns to Shortland Street as Guy Warner. Despite starring in local and international shows, Parker remains grateful for the enduring connection to his iconic Shortland Street character. As he revisits his TV memories, from childhood favorites like Ollie Ohlson to early roles like in Hotshotz, Parker’s passion for television shines through, showcasing his love for the medium and its impact on his life.
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Hedge firing on all cylinders
Buckland Beach resident Callum Hedge, a rising star in the motorsport world, finished fourth in the INDY NXT by Firestone series in his rookie season. He has joined ABEL Motorsports for the 2025 season, aiming to contend for the championship after an impressive 2024 campaign that included multiple top five finishes and his first series podium. With the support of sponsors and a strong team behind him, Hedge is poised to continue his success and...
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