Your support helps The Independent cover critical stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring accurate reporting and analysis. Donations enable journalists to report from the ground and provide quality journalism accessible to all. Keir Starmer faces challenges over the Chagos Islands deal as Mauritius seeks to renegotiate, raising concerns about sovereignty, security, and international agreements.
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Man charged over crash which killed boy, 2, in Smethwick
A 30-year-old man has been charged with causing death by dangerous driving after a young boy died in a hit-and-run crash in Smethwick, near Birmingham. The grey Porsche Cayenne collided with a Toyota Auris carrying four adults and the two-year-old boy, leaving two adults in serious condition in the hospital. Sharjeel Shahzad faces multiple charges including driving while disqualified and failing to stop after a collision, and is set to appear in Birmingham Magistrates’ Court...
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