The Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi announced ₹1,000 monthly for women under the Mahila Samman Yojana, with a promise to increase it to ₹2,100 if re-elected, sparking discussion on a similar unfulfilled pledge in Punjab. Despite financial constraints, Punjab faces challenges fulfilling the promise due to soaring power subsidy bills and revenue shortfall from sand mining, impacting budget allocations and causing delays in other commitments. While AAP defends its track record, the unmet promise of ₹1,000 per month in Punjab remains a contentious issue as the party gears up for future elections.
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Tactical ballistic missile Pralay & long-range Pinaka rocket system to be part of Republic Day parade
At the upcoming Republic Day parade in the Capital, indigenously developed Tactical ballistic missile Pralay and long-range Pinaka rocket system will be showcased. Pralay, with a range of 500 km, is deployed on the border with China for conventional strikes, while efforts are ongoing to increase Pinaka's range to over 150 km. The parade will also feature Indonesian troops to honor the chief guest, President Prabowo Subianto, with a total of 77,000 attendees expected. Full...
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