Your support helps The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting. Donations enable journalists to investigate and report on critical issues, ensuring a diverse range of voices are heard. The Billie Jean King Cup Finals in Malaga have been postponed due to extreme weather conditions in Spain, with the tournament rescheduled to prioritize the safety of participants and attendees.
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Oregon hoping to halt freefall against No. 24 Michigan
Oregon Ducks head coach Dana Altman is concerned as his team, despite solid NCAA Tournament prospects, has lost three of their last five games, including a recent defeat against Nebraska. Michigan, on the other hand, is feeling more confident with two consecutive wins and aims to secure a top spot in the Big Ten standings. The game will showcase strong frontcourt players from both teams, with Michigan needing to address their turnover issues against a...
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