The Baltimore Ravens clinched a playoff berth and kept the Pittsburgh Steelers from winning the AFC North crown with a 34-17 victory, tying both teams at 10-5 atop the division with two games to go. The Ravens' defense came up big with a pick 6 in the fourth quarter, while Lamar Jackson had a strong performance, leading the team to the crucial win. Baltimore is now in contention for an AFC North title and looks...
Your support allows The Independent to report on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech with impartiality and accuracy. By donating, you help fund investigative journalism and documentaries that shed light on important stories. Your contribution ensures that reporters can continue to provide quality journalism to all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, without paywalls. Full Article
DJ Bien-Aime covers the Houston Texans for ESPN, previously covering the New York Jets, and hosts "Talkin' Texans" on ESPN Radio. Texans wideout Tank Dell suffered a significant knee injury after catching a touchdown pass, dislocating his kneecap and being carted off the field, impacting the team's performance and emotions. Dell, who had a standout game, joins other injured Texans players like Shaq Mason and Jimmie Ward, as the team faces a quick turnaround to...
Your support helps The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to unbiased reporting. Your donation enables journalists to report from the ground and provide coverage accessible to all readers, without paywalls. In sports news, the Baltimore Ravens secured a play-off spot by defeating the Pittsburgh Steelers 34-17, while the Kansas City Chiefs moved closer to the AFC's top seed with a 27-19 victory over...
Matt Murray made a triumphant return to the NHL after 638 days, earning a 6-3 win over the Buffalo Sabres by stopping 24 shots. The Toronto Maple Leafs goalie overcame bilateral hip surgery, facing doubts about his career, but persevered with a one-year contract. Murray's emotional comeback resonated with teammates, showcasing his resilience and dedication to the game, as he reflected on the long journey back to the NHL. Full Article
The New Orleans Saints will be without quarterback Derek Carr, running back Alvin Kamara, and wide receiver Chris Olave for their Week 16 matchup against the Green Bay Packers. Carr has a fracture in his left hand, Kamara has a significant groin injury that may require surgery, and Olave has been out since Week 9 due to concussions. The Saints, with a 5-9 record, are still mathematically alive for the playoffs but face a tough...