The investment information for {{name}} includes the stage, size, and date of the round, with {{round}}, {{amount}}, and {{date}} respectively. Users have the option to indicate their participation in the round by selecting “No” or “Yes” and can choose to be added to the round. The company currently does not have any fundings listed.
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Uyghur rapper was imprisoned in China for ‘extremist’ lyrics, rights group says
Yashar Shohret, a young Uyghur rapper and singer-songwriter, has been imprisoned in China for composing lyrics deemed to "promote extremism." Arrested in August 2023 and sentenced to three years in prison in June 2024, he is currently serving his term at Wusu Prison in Xinjiang. Shohret's songs, including "Wake Up," were seen as threatening to the Chinese Communist Party due to their emphasis on Uyghur language and cultural identity, leading to his harsh punishment. Full...
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