Support The Independent’s quality journalism by donating to help them cover important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Your donation allows reporters to provide unbiased reporting and analysis without paywalls, ensuring information is accessible to all. Zhao Xintong, a former snooker star banned for match-fixing, is making a comeback at the UK Championship after winning amateur events and facing former world champion Shaun Murphy, despite controversy surrounding the scandal involving other Chinese players.
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The King, The Stilt and a Splash Brother: Meet the holders of the NBA's most unbreakable records
Brian Windhorst, an ESPN NBA writer since 2010 who covered the Cleveland Cavs for seven years and authored two books, discusses the historic milestones reached by LeBron James and Stephen Curry in scoring. He highlights individual records in the NBA that are likely to stand the test of time, such as Wilt Chamberlain's 1961-62 season averages, Rasheed Wallace's 41 technical fouls in a season, and John Stockton's career assists record. Windhorst also mentions other notable...
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