Yahoo Sports presents a wild-card weekend preview with Matt Harmon and Scott Pianowski discussing players and prop bets to watch for each of the six NFL games. The hosts analyze matchups like Chargers vs. Texans, Steelers vs. Ravens, and Packers vs. Eagles, providing insight on key players and their favorite prop bets. Harmon and Pianowski conclude the episode by sharing their top four prop bets for the weekend, making it a must-listen for football fans gearing up for an exciting playoff weekend.
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Gregor Townsend confident Scotland can cope with loss of skipper Sione Tuipulotu
Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights and climate change, with a commitment to unbiased reporting. With your donation, journalists can continue to provide in-depth coverage from the field. Despite the loss of Sione Tuipulotu to injury for the Six Nations, Scotland's depth and resilience are being tested as they prepare for the tournament with new leaders and strategies in place. Full Article
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