“Winter Well” is a seasonal guide that offers tips on how to take care of your body, mind, and spirits during the chaotic winter months. The end of the year can feel overwhelming due to increased busyness, societal pressures, disruptions to routines, shorter days, and emotional struggles like grief or depression. These factors can make time feel like a blur and cause a sense of disorientation. It’s important to acknowledge these challenges and take care of yourself during this time.
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Here's How Many Time's It's Normal To Wake Up At Night (By Age)
Kinga Howard on Unsplash discusses the frequency of nighttime awakenings, known as nocturia, and the normal range of waking up to urinate based on age. As we age, our circadian rhythms change, leading to earlier bedtimes and waking up in the early morning hours. For adults over 65, waking up two or three times a night is considered normal, but if sleep disruptions are affecting daily life or causing fatigue, it's advised to see a...
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