A protest of 42,000 Maori at the New Zealand Parliament in Wellington opposed a bill reinterpreting the Treaty of Waitangi, signed in 1840 between British colonisers and Maori. The treaty guaranteed Maori self-determination, but subsequent land seizures and injustices have led to ongoing protests and settlements. The Maori, original inhabitants of New Zealand, continue to fight for their rights and cultural preservation.
11 Early Signs Your Relationship Is Quietly Falling Apart
In a 2011 meta-analysis, it was found that marriage doesn't necessarily lead to happiness, especially if the relationship was struggling before. Therapist Evon Inyang emphasizes the importance of not staying in a failing relationship just because of external obligations. Reddit users highlighted early signs of a failing relationship, such as lack of communication, lack of future plans, and feeling indifferent towards each other, indicating a disconnect that shouldn't be ignored. Full Article
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