Your support helps The Independent to cover stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing thorough investigations and documentaries like ‘The A Word’. Donations enable journalists to report from the ground and ensure quality journalism is accessible to all Americans. Britons are facing snowfall and travel disruptions as the Met Office issues warnings for rain, snow, and strong winds, particularly in Scotland, with potential flooding and difficult driving conditions expected.
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North Sea collision latest: Oil tanker blaze is finally extinguished – but Solong cargo ship remains on fire
The fire on the oil tanker involved in the crash in the North Sea has been extinguished, with no visible signs of smoke or flame reported by Crowley, the maritime company managing the Stena Immaculate. However, the Solong cargo ship, owned by Ernst Russ, remains alight and continues to emit smoke with occasional reports of flames. The captain of the Solong, a Russian national, has been arrested on suspicion of gross negligence manslaughter in connection...
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