If you need to travel by sea from the Canary Islands to mainland Spain, whether to transport your car, pet, or due to a fear of flying, a day-and-a-half ferry trip awaits. This journey is described as arduous but interesting, offering an alternative mode of transportation. All the necessary information for this voyage, including key details and tips, is provided for a smooth and enjoyable experience.
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Woman’s joyful reunion with surgeons who separated her from conjoined twin 40 years ago
In a groundbreaking surgery in 1985, twins Holly and Carly were separated by a team of 26 clinicians, led by surgeons Lewis Spitz and Edward Kiely at Great Ormond Street Hospital. While Carly tragically passed away, Holly underwent numerous operations and maintained contact with Professor Spitz over the years. Now living in Texas, Holly Queiroz reunited with Professor Spitz and Mr Kiely via video call ahead of her 40th birthday, marking a heartwarming moment after...
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