In Week 18, Yahoo Sports previews the Vikings-Lions matchup and highlights player contract incentives in the NFL. Scott Pianowski and Matt Harmon discuss the important games of the week, including CLE@BAL, CIN@PIT, NO@TB, CAR@ATL, and MIN@DET, while also focusing on star players with significant contract incentives to watch for. Fantasy football enthusiasts are praised for their dedication to the game as they gear up for the weekend’s action.
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Ruben Amorim admits Manchester United players are ‘anxious and afraid’ ahead of Liverpool clash
Your support helps The Independent to continue telling important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, Big Tech, and more. Donations enable journalists to report on both sides of the story, providing quality journalism accessible to all. Ruben Amorim, manager of Manchester United, is feeling the pressure as the team struggles, but remains committed to improving performance and reassures fans that better times are ahead. Full Article
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