The Independent relies on donations to support their investigative journalism, covering topics such as reproductive rights and climate change. With a commitment to providing quality journalism accessible to all, The Independent seeks to keep Americans informed at this critical moment in US history. Your contribution helps fund reporters on the ground to deliver unbiased reporting. Ofwat has announced a 36% increase in water bills over the next five years in England and Wales, with the funds allocated for a £104 billion upgrade of the water sector to benefit customers and the environment, despite facing criticism for the substantial hike in bills.
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East Yorkshire skipper describes ‘panic and worry’ after North Sea collision
Neil Robson, owner of Genesis Fishing Ltd in Bridlington, known as the “Lobster Capital of Europe”, relies on the shellfish trade for his family business, catching crab and lobster for both UK and international markets. When a major collision between an oil tanker and cargo ship occurred in the North Sea, causing a large fire off the coast of Hull, Robson, who was on board his boat Genesis, expressed concern for the safety of those...
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