Drivers engaged in dangerous behavior such as burnouts, doughnuts, and revving their engines at an unregistered car meet near Buckingham Palace were caught on camera triggering acoustic noise cameras in central London. Westminster City Council issued Fixed Penalty Notices to four individuals for their reckless actions, including performing doughnuts dangerously close to crowds and other road users. The incident, described as the actions of “wannabe boy racers,” prompted officials to take immediate action to address the safety concerns.
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Labour launches plans to find land for housing and energy in new blow to farmers
Your support for The Independent enables in-depth coverage of stories ranging from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting and accessibility. The UK government's proposed land use framework aims to balance agricultural needs with environmental concerns, potentially impacting farmers facing inheritance tax reforms. Environment Secretary Steve Reed emphasizes the framework's goal of protecting food production while addressing climate goals, despite farmer protests and concerns about land use restrictions....
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