Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to fact-based reporting and unbiased analysis. Donations help fund on-the-ground reporting and allow for coverage accessible to all, without paywalls. As India’s cricket captain Virat Kohli faces criticism for a decline in performance, questions arise surrounding the team’s recent struggles and the pressure to perform in the upcoming series against Australia.
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Amorim criticizes United players for slow starts
Manchester United head coach Ruben Amorim criticized his players for their slow starts after recovering from a 2-0 halftime deficit to draw against Everton, with goals from Beto, Doucouré, Fernandes, and Ugarte. Amorim expressed frustration at their lack of first-half presence and inability to address defensive issues, as United struggle in the Premier League standings. Despite their performance, Amorim remains uncertain about finding solutions but is focused on upcoming matches against Ipswich Town and Fulham...
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