A 73-year-old woman is in critical condition after being struck by a vehicle on Gouin Blvd. W. in Montreal. The driver, an 18-year-old woman, was turning left onto St-Charles Blvd. when the collision occurred. Police are investigating the incident to determine the exact circumstances and the pedestrian group is calling for truck restrictions in the area following the tragic event.
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Court declines to review Crown’s decision not to prosecute Edmonton officer who kicked teen in head
A judge declined to review the Alberta Crown Prosecution Service's decision not to prosecute an Edmonton police officer who kicked an Indigenous teenager in the head, citing no evidence of abuse of process. Const. Ben Todd kicked Pacey Dumas, causing life-threatening injuries, but ASIRT declined to lay charges. Despite protests, the judge found no grounds for a judicial review, with no precedents in Canadian legal history. Full Article
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