In a critical moment in US history, The Independent relies on reader support to cover stories ranging from reproductive rights to Big Tech. Your donation enables them to send journalists to report on both sides of the story, without paywalls restricting access. Meanwhile, Aston Villa’s Unai Emery criticized VAR for missing a clear penalty in their 2-1 loss to Nottingham Forest, despite taking the lead before Forest’s comeback victory, led by Nuno Espirito Santo, who remains focused on game-by-game progress and enjoying the team’s success.
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Pep Guardiola and the two meetings with Ruben Amorim that shape Manchester derby
The Independent relies on reader support to cover stories ranging from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, ensuring accurate reporting and analysis for all. With your donation, journalists can continue to investigate and report on critical issues from both perspectives. In Manchester, Pep Guardiola faces a challenging period as Manchester City manager, with a recent losing streak and injury crisis impacting the team's performance. Guardiola looks to turn things around in the upcoming...
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