Your support helps The Independent cover important issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with on-the-ground reporting. Donations enable journalists to investigate stories from all perspectives, providing trusted news without paywalls. Aston Villa, led by Unai Emery, advance to the FA Cup quarter-finals thanks to Marco Asensio and Marcus Rashford’s impact, while Cardiff’s Omer Riza praises his team’s defensive effort despite a 2-0 loss.
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UK Open Darts 2025: Luke Humphries beats Beau Greaves as Luke Littler and Michael van Gerwen progress in Minehead | Darts News
Luke Humphries defeated Beau Greaves 10-7 in a tough battle at the UK Open, with Greaves making history by winning her first three matches. Humphries fought back to take the lead and secure the win, praising Greaves for her performance. In another match, Luke Littler edged out Peter Wright 10-9 in a deciding leg, while Michael van Gerwen held off Dirk van Duijvenbode in a close contest. Full Article
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