The Competition and Markets Authority in the UK has launched a formal antitrust investigation into Google’s search and search advertising services to determine if they have “strategic market status” under the new Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act. This law aims to prevent anti-competitive behavior in digital markets, giving regulators the power to impose changes. The CMA is probing Google’s dominance in the search market to ensure a fair playing field for all businesses and users, especially with the shift towards AI-driven online search.
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Tim Dolighan cartoon, Jan. 24, 2025
Tim Dolighan's cartoon from Jan. 24, 2025, showcases a humorous take on a current event or social issue. The video failed to load, but viewers can access other videos from the team by refreshing their browsers or tapping a provided link. The cartoon is likely to provide a satirical commentary on relevant topics in a visually engaging format. Full Article
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